4.8 (3579 Reviews)

$147.00 $37.00

Jay Willy

This is what I’ve been looking for!

I’ve been training for years and at 45 years old consider myself to be in better shape than most men my age… BUT after doing the first week of this program all I can say is wow… Very humbling. Simple and very effective… I’ll be following this for years to come.

Chuck Holland

The results keep coming

Love it. It’s amazing what you can achieve by putting in just a few minutes a day. You can pretty much smoke yourself in 5 minutes. This program just works.

Military Doctor Uncovers a “Bio-Chemical Defect” Deep in the Abdomen — Acting Like an Off-Switch Causing Men to Suffer Soft and Flaccid Ab Muscles

Then Shocks Men Around the Country by Revealing
How to Instantly “Flip the Switch” to Get
Ripped & Shredded Six-Pack Abs

Tell me something…

Which one of these exercises do you think will build better-looking abs?

I’ll give you the answer in just a few minutes…

And most men I ask this are shocked when I tell them.

Plus I’m also going to reveal the worst mistake that prevents men from getting six-pack abs…

Every guy who wants abs is probably doing it right now, thinking that it’s actually good for them…

When in reality it’s destroying any chance of ever having a six-pack… or even a flat and lean belly.

In fact, new research from the Harvard Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering confirms it.

And explains how men are unknowingly crippling their “deep core” muscles, piling on belly fat, and killing any chance of ever having ripped, shredded abs.

The reason why is an unavoidable Bio-Chemical “switch” that holds every man hostage… and determines if he can build lean and muscular abs or not.

When I first realized how most so-called “ab exercises” actually shut down a man’s abs & cause belly fat to accumulate…

I was surprised because as a doctor who works with Olympic athletes and military special forces…

I thought I knew everything about building a strong and functional core.

But now that I understand how to flip the “switch” on the core…

I’ve been able to come up with the most science-based process ever created to quickly and easily build up a man’s “six-pack-muscle”…

While naturally stimulating the body’s built-in “instinct” to eviscerate belly fat almost without trying.

As we’ll see in a sec, it’s what helped my buddy Todd go from the dreaded flabby “dad bod” to shredded abs in just weeks…

I’ll explain all the science behind this hidden “switch” in a sec…

And I’ll reveal the little known formula that has now helped over 57,000 men get a ripped and shredded six-pack…

Without counting calories, eating like a rabbit, or even doing a single “sit-up” or one solitary minute of boring cardio.

But before showing you the hard science that proves this Bio-Chemical “switch” is the only thing holding men back from an eye-turning six-pack…

I should properly introduce myself and explain…

Who Am I, and Why Should Men Listen to Me
If They Want to See Six-Pack Abs?

Hi, my name is Dr. Tyler Goodale.

I’ve got a doctorate in Exercise Science and over 20 years training the most elite national team athletes and special forces soldiers…

But when my buddy Todd asked me to help him reclaim his six-pack-abs…

As you’ll see in a second… I was completely stumped.

Todd was ex-military, then spent 17 years with an elite SWAT team.

A guy who was used to thinking of himself as fit and strong and tough.

He told me how his wife said it was his “sexy rippling abs” that originally made her want him.

But now he looked in the mirror every day and all he saw was his flabby belly.

He couldn’t stand the sight of himself…

He secretly worried his wife was repulsed by his flabby belly…

And frankly, he was willing to do anything to get his abs back.

But every abs training trick in my playbook
came up empty.

Everything I thought “should” build six-pack-abs was a flop.

I tried every kind of plank. Crunches. Leg lifts.

I put him on a strict calorie counting diet.

And when I got desperate I even tried extreme measures like the Keto diet.

My buddy Todd sweated and grinded it out every single day without complaint.

I even took him to the University sports-science department and submitted him to painful electrical stimulation devices designed to activate the abs.

You name it… we tried it.

But after weeks and then months…

To my utter shame…

Todd’s belly was as soft, weak and flabby as ever.

Only later did I stumble on the Harvard research that
explained why it wasn’t Todd’s fault…

And why millions of men struggle to get six-pack abs…

Or even just to get a flat and healthy looking midsection…

But instead they get more and more flabby no matter how many abs exercises they do or how hard they diet.

The same Harvard research is what led me to the groundbreaking discovery I want to share here today.


Men Can Truly “Flip” The Switch That
“Turns On” Their Ab Muscles and Naturally
Eradicates Belly Fat

Flipping the switch is as simple as following a simple abs training process inspired from research done by the US Military…

And based on breakthrough work by the Harvard Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering.

The abs training process I eventually stumbled on worked literally like flipping a switch when my buddy Todd started using it…

Allowing him to completely reverse years of belly fat in just weeks…

Get a set of shredded six-pack-abs in his 50s…

And even reverse years of back pain caused by weak muscles deep in his core.

Listen: Todd built himself abs that look even better than the ones his wife fell in love with in their 20s.

And any man can flip the same “switch” to ignite the ab muscles and get rock-hard abs at any age…

Without eating like a rabbit or barely changing their nutrition at all…

And without doing a single sit-up or one solitary minute of boring cardio.

In fact over 57,000 men around the country have already used the exact same abs training process to finally get a shredded six-pack when nothing else worked.

Oh, and before I forget…

Surprisingly, the exercise above that’s guaranteed to deliver shredded abs is Option A

I’m about to explain exactly why…

But let’s start with the science behind the “switch”…

The “Bio-Chemical” Switch That Fires Up
(or Shuts Down) the Muscles That Make Up
Six Pack Abs

It’s thanks to my work with the Military… and especially helping soldiers overcome all the problems caused by wearing heavy body armor…

That I stumbled on what I’d call the “Missing Link” to switching on the ab muscles.

See I discovered a powerful “Bio-Chemical” switch…

First revealed by scientists at the Harvard Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering.

This switch literally controls whether or not your “rectus abdominis” can fully contract or not.

Rectus abdominis is just the fancy way of saying the “six pack muscle” that runs down the middle of your stomach.

And when the ab muscles can’t contract properly, even a thousand sit ups a day will never produce six-pack-abs.


When the six pack muscle gets switched off like that, it actually causes a knee-jerk biological reaction…

And forces FAT to grow both inside and over top of the abs muscles…

Preventing men from ever getting a six-pack no matter how hard they work.

I’ll explain exactly how this switch works in a minute…

Why it’s MORE powerful for getting visible abs than male hormones or neurotransmitters…

And why it’s impossible to get a shredded six-pack if it’s switched off.

Listen: just knowing the secret to flipping this Bio-Chemical switch for your abs puts you ahead of nearly every guy in the gym…

And I only stumbled on this NEW way of understanding the abs muscles thanks to a study done by the U.S. Army-Baylor University.

The researchers were looking for a solution to the back problems soldiers were getting from wearing body armor.

They put 34 soldiers through a specialized program designed to activate specific muscles deep in the core

And at the end of the study they measured both the THICKNESS, and the ability to activate these muscles.

Not only was the contracted thickness of the deep core muscle “significantly greater”…

But they increased the activation of the muscle by 35.5% while standing in body armor!

Yet when I started using these special exercises with some of the soldiers and athletes I was helping…

Something weird happened.

Within 3 to 4 weeks they had visibly thicker
“peaks” on their “six pack muscle”…

And when I used special equipment to measure how much fat they had over their belly, I confirmed what I could already see.

They lost more than half of the layer of fat overtop of their six pack.

Yet here’s the really weird part…

Those special exercises only targeted specific muscles deep within the core…

And NONE directly targeted the “six pack” rectus abdominis muscle!

Plus, I didn’t change their nutrition at all.

So what gives?

I was stumped until I stumbled on another study done by researchers at one of the country’s top physical therapy Universities.

Except this time the experiment didn’t involve ANY exercise.

In fact all they did was use a new technique called “dry needling” to stimulate the muscle.

See, dry needling is when they stick acupuncture needles deep into the muscle…

Stimulating the nervous system and forcing it to contract the muscle.

One group of volunteers received the dry needling, the other group got a “sham” dry needling placebo.

After the treatment the researchers found that unlike the placebo group, the dry needling group had an increase in contracted thickness of the treated muscle.

So simply fixing the SIGNAL between the nervous system and the muscle fibers…

Instantly allowed them to achieve a fuller and thicker muscle contraction.

Now it started to make sense why my military clients experienced a deeper, leaner six pack…

Not to mention they did it without ever doing any specific rectus abdominis exercises.

Because somehow they were increasing signal strength to the muscle.

But there was still a big piece of the puzzle that I was missing.

How was the signal to the “six pack muscle” being boosted when my guys weren’t doing any direct exercises for it?

And why had it been shut down in the first place?

I couldn’t figure it out until a presentation given by renowned researcher Dr. Donald Ingber from the Harvard Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering.

Why Some Men Never Get Six-Pack-Abs
(No Matter How Hard They Work)

Dr. Ingber revealed a groundbreaking NEW model of human muscle function that finally showed me why some guys can never get a six-pack no matter what they try…

While my clients performing the deep-core activation exercises were getting eye-popping abs almost without effort.

Based on years of detailed study of human cadavers, high-tech measurements of humans in movement, and supercomputer 3D modeling.

What he discovered is that we need to throw out the OLD way of thinking of the spine as a stacked "tower of blocks"… and stop thinking that the abdominal muscles pull on the bones of the spine like levers.

Because he calculated that with the old model, the forces generated from any movement would tear muscle and crush bone.

Instead his research revealed a NEW model of the spine and core muscles.

See, the spine and the ab muscles work a lot more like a suspension bridge than a tower of blocks.

Which means a force applied anywhere on the structure is felt through the entire structure.

And it explains how the “Bio-Chemical” switch can fire up or shut off your six pack.

Because instead of looking at each of the abs muscles as “isolated”…

Dr Ingber explains how the abdominal muscles are literally connected together.

In fact they sit in a “matrix” that’s like a “bag” wrapped all around your midsection…

The bag is made of something called fascia.

And unlike what we learned in school, it’s the bag of fascia that’s attached to the bones, it’s not the muscles.

So when muscle fibers contract, it pulls across the whole “matrix”, and the pull acts on every muscle, fascia and bone in the core.

Which is why just one section of muscle that gets
shut down, stiff or tight… sends stress
through the entire matrix.

Worse, the stress signal gets transferred all the way down to the cellular level…

And as Dr. Ingber from Harvard explained in his presentation…

When this stress signal gets transferred through the fascia, it triggers the “Bio-Chemical” switch that shuts down the ab muscles.

In other words, bio-mechanical stress triggers
chemical signals inside the muscle cells…

The Bio-Chemical signals change gene expression, protein synthesis and nerve impulses in the muscles.

And it’s more powerful than male hormones, and growth factors!

Which is why just a single knotted, weak, tight or unhealthy section of muscle fibers in the deep core…

Is enough to radiate out and sabotage even the most dedicated effort to build six pack abs.

Because when the switch is off… or sending a negative signal…

3 Very Disastrous Things Happen to the Abs…

Preventing guys from ever having a ripped six pack…

No matter how hard they work.

1 The signal strength to the entire matrix of “ab muscles” gets dialed down.

This prevents each of the individual muscles in the matrix from strongly contracting.

At first, most guys won’t even notice it.

But as the ability for the muscles to fire keeps getting dialed down…

The rectus abdominis simply can’t create strong enough contractions to trigger muscle growth, or even maintain current muscle mass.

Simply put…

If a muscle can’t contract at 100%, it can’t grow or even maintain size.

When that happens the “six pack muscle” goes flat and flaccid.

And when it gets bad enough…

Well that’s what was happening with my soldiers.

Plagued with bad backs and other aches and pains…

Because the imbalances caused by wearing heavy body armor was causing tight and dysfunctional muscles deep in their core…

Eventually radiating through the whole matrix…

And shutting down all the muscle fibers that are supposed to act as a protective “corset” around the spine.

2 Fibers in the muscle tissue are replaced with fat.

As you can see in the images below…

When researchers looked at core muscles that lost the signal to contract, the MRI images clearly showed inactive muscle fibers turned to fat.

And the weaker the signal to the muscle got, the more fat invaded.

But I also discovered that restoring the signal reverses the fat

And that the sooner we start, the faster we can return the abdominal muscles to their full muscularity.

3 The stress hormone cortisol floods the core & layers on a protective cushion of fat.

Cortisol is a stress hormone.

And when stress is placed on the matrix of fascia in the core — even from just one single tight or shut down muscle — it signals the body that it’s under stress…

And tells it to release cortisol.

When researchers at Yale University studied the cortisol reactions of 27 healthy humans.

They confirmed that abdominal fat is super sensitive to cortisol… and it leads to accumulation of abdominal fat.

Specifically a protective cushion of abdominal fat that hides the six pack muscle, and eventually causes what most guys call their “beer belly.”

Making it so that even 1000s of crunches and sit ups and ab rollouts will never reveal even the shadow of a six pack.

So now that we understand why some guys can get amazing six-pack-abs…

While other guys do the exact same exercises and work just as hard, while getting nothing but a “pillow pack” belly…

Let’s talk about how to RESTORE the nervous system signal to the ab muscles and quickly allow belly fat to melt away.

Restoring the Muscle Contraction “Signal” to
the Abs Is Actually a Pretty Simple Process.

In fact, I developed a simple, scientifically-backed
three-step protocol
for doing just that…


Since we know that damaged, knotted or tight muscle tissue in the DEEP core will radiate stress through the entire matrix of abdominal muscle…

I knew that lasting results had to start with releasing tension and rehabilitating the tissues of the deep core muscles.

Research on post-surgery hernia patients revealed something called “Myofascial Release” is the best way to treat these deep muscles.

It uses specialized techniques to put pressure on the fascia and literally forces it to “release” built up tension and knots.

Then a brand new study from one of Japan’s most prestigious health-sciences universities…

Confirmed that Myofascial Release techniques performed on young adults resulted in both improved tissue quality… and a direct boost to general muscle performance.

Now, there are a lot of pricey & complicated Myofascial Release techniques done by specialized therapists.

But we’re not going to need those…

Because I was able to deconstruct the same principles and I created a series of super simple at-home SELF Release techniques…

That use only readily available and inexpensive fitness equipment.

In just a minute I’ll tell you how you can start applying these techniques today.


Once all the tight and knotted tissue is released and restored…

We need to awaken any muscle tissue that isn’t receiving the signal from the nervous system.

The method I created to do that is based on research by top Israeli scientists.

They teamed up with the University of Delaware to study how to spark better muscle activation in deep core muscles called the multifidus.

The researchers stimulated the muscle using the technique called “dry needling” we learned about earlier…

And then they used ultrasound to measure the muscle’s thickness before and after the treatment.

When compared to the placebo group…

The volunteers who received the muscle stimulation showed a significant increase in the stimulation of motor nerve fibers…

Even hours after the end of the treatment.

Just by reactivating the connection to the nervous system.

But don’t worry, there’s no need to stick ourselves with needles!

I figured out how to produce the same kind of muscle activation they got…

Using a specific exercise technique I call the Break Through Contractions protocol.

Or BTC for short.

BTC uses precisely timed contractions and specific movements that “break through” to the shut down muscle fibers.

By performing these specific protocols we can boost the signal to the ab muscle, forcing even the deepest and most inhibited muscle fibers to fire.

Plus, simply bringing the abdominal structure back into balance like this removes the “stress signal” that was pumping cortisol into the area…

And allows the fat layer over your rectus abdominis to start melting away.

But that’s just the beginning…


As we already saw, just restoring the signal to the abdominal muscles allowed the soldiers I was working with to start seeing their six-pack-abs again…

However I developed a sequence of unique abs training exercises designed to take advantage of a perfectly firing core…

So we can speed up development of the rectus abdominis and quickly start stripping away belly fat.

Using peer-reviewed EMG data that directly measures abdominal muscle activation during different exercises…

I was able to determine exactly the best movements to target specific muscle fibers, to trigger a rapid response from your rectus abdominis

Building thick, bulging six pack “peaks” in the muscle…

While literally “spot reducing” any fat still
sitting overtop of the belly.

Now if you’ve heard spot reduction is impossible, or think it’s too good to be true… a study published in The American Journal of Physiology proves it’s 100% real.

The researchers recruited healthy men and had them do specific exercises that only worked isolated muscles.

In this case they used the thigh muscles so they could measure the difference between the working leg and the resting leg.

Then they measured “lipolysis” of the fat directly over the muscle being worked.

Lipolysis is the fancy way of saying fat is being released and burned.

And the researchers clearly showed that the fat overtop of the muscle being exercised underwent “spot lipolysis.”

Which means the specific exercise protocol they used was able strip fat from overtop of the muscle.

I integrated those same protocols when I developed my abs training system…

So that men can quickly peel away the layer of fat over their abs…

While they experience rapid growth of the underlying rectus abdominis muscle…

Revealing a deeply chiseled and shredded set of six-pack-abs.

Getting the “Deep Core” Healthy and the
“Six-Pack Muscle” Firing Is the Key to Finally
Unlocking Visible Six Pack Abs

Trying to build shredded six-pack-abs when the abdominal muscles are out of balance, and when the signal from the nervous system to the muscles has been eroded…

Is like trying to swim in a pair of cement galoshes.

Even the hardest working, most disciplined and most determined man is still going to sink.

But imagine after working so hard to stay afloat… what would it feel like to kick off those cement galoshes!?

How easy would it be to effortlessly glide over the water?

Look, it took over a year of testing, tweaking and evaluating the protocols…

But that’s how men are feeling now when they learn to restore the signal to their ab muscles.

As soon as tense and knotted tissue is released, and once shut down muscles get back to firing at 100%…

Guys feel like belly fat just peels away effortlessly…

While thick, deep “peaks” of muscle sprout up all the way down the six-pack rectus abdominis muscle.

And sometimes for the first time ever, men are experiencing what it truly feels like to show off six-pack and even eight-pack abs.

Listen: after spending so much time working with Todd, my military clients, and my pro athletes to perfect this A-to-Z abs training protocol…

I wish I had time to share it with every man who needs it.

There are so many guys out there unknowingly struggling with a shut down core, working their butts off to reveal their abs…

With nothing to show for it.

But the truth is… I just don’t have time to take on even one single extra client.

Yet I simply couldn’t keep this foolproof six-pack-abs building system to myself.

Which is why I spent almost a year testing, tweaking, perfecting and documenting…

To create a done-for-you version of the same system I’ve been using with my elite clients.

It’s called…


The Most Advanced Ab Building System Ever Created.

Allowing men to flip the “Bio-Chemical” switch responsible for a chiseled, rock solid, bulletproof six-pack at any age.

I’ve never been prouder in my life than I am today…

To be telling folks about the new “done-for-you” Apex Abs manuals…

And especially to be teaming up with my friend Todd…

Because not only did Todd use this exact System to get ripped and shredded abs in his 50s, but he’s devoted his life to helping me share this system with every man who needs it.

So on top of being a former SWAT team leader, and Military Special Operations veteran…

He’s also become one of the most sought after Certified Tactical Fitness experts and the first ever Head Instructor for the Apex Abs System.

Thanks to Todd’s relentless work, Apex Abs is now in the hands of over 57,000 men.

Men who quickly discovered that this isn’t just another abs training program.

See, for men who’ve tried everything, who’ve done thousands of sit ups, hundreds of hours of boring cardio…

Or for guys who’ve dieted relentlessly or even tried starving themselves, but who still ended up with a soft, flabby, weak and flaccid midsection…

Apex Abs is the only system and solution that finally allowed them to enjoy the ripped and shredded six-pack-abs they deserve.

Which brings us to now…

And brings us to you experiencing the incredible results of Apex Abs for yourself too.

Apex Abs is the result of over a year of non-stop, intensive research, testing and work…

Hard work I did so you don’t have to…

Because everything is packed into an easy-to-use System…

Starting with…

The Recon Manual

Release and Re-activate Every Muscle Fiber in the Abdomen

RECON may not be the most “sexy” part of the Apex Abs process…

Yet it’s the “secret sauce” and the real reason why the System has reached 57,000 men and counting…

Helping them finally experience ripped and shredded abs…

Even when nothing else worked.

Inside the RECON Manual you’ll discover:

Listen: Using the RECON manual alone would be enough to spark any man's core and start seeing his abs again… but we’re just getting started.

The next thing you’ll get with the Apex Abs system is the…

Apex Abs Main Manual

Your Guide to Shredded, Functional Six-Pack-Abs

This is the part where men tap into the newly rebalanced and fully firing muscle fibers in the core…

And discover the exercises and contraction techniques to stimulate rapid abdominal muscle development…

While quickly triggering both full-body and spot-reduction fat loss.

Inside this 46-page, easy-to-read manual you’ll discover…

And that’s just part of what you’ll discover in the Apex Abs manual.

Not to mention the 30 Done-For-You
Videos and Workouts…

And detailed instructions on how to perfectly execute every exercise for the fastest results possible.

Plus we break the System down into 3 Phases to make it as easy to follow as possible.

Starting with…


The Alpha Phase is designed to wrap a foundation of solid muscle mass around the core.

If men never go further than Alpha Phase, they’ll still have abs that turn heads and put them ahead of 99% of the pack.

In addition to strengthening all the deep muscles in the core, this phase specifically sparks the coveted rectus abdominis that makes for “washboard abs.”

The “magic” happens thanks to a specific progression where you learn how to activate each of the muscles in the core.

For the first time men are actually able to feel the difference between activating the obliques, the TVA, the rectus, the diaphragm or any of the other core muscles.

Don’t worry if you don’t know where those all are right now. You will.

And most exciting…

Alpha Phase is when men start noticing the “spot reduction” phenomenon happening…

Watching as it literally wipes away fat from overtop of the six-pack muscle…

Meanwhile the stress-hormone cortisol is plummeting because the core muscles are rebalanced and re-activated… which allows fat to start fading away.

And although I know that all sounds pretty amazing…

Wait till you experience what comes next…


This is where we ramp up rectus abdominis activation to a completely new level.

Most men report that during Bravo Phase the “peaks” on their six-pack get more pronounced and start feeling rock hard.

Plus it’s at this point that the storm of fat-metabolizing male hormones really takes over…

And guys become leaner and more ripped than they’ve ever experienced.

And because we also increase the “sophistication” of each of the abs movements…

Incorporating more difficult progressions and increased functionality…

Finishing Bravo Phase puts guys on par with the Olympic and professional athletes I work with.

And to be honest I’d recommend most guys could stop there.

But if you’re up for it, you should continue to…


If Bravo Phase puts you on par with the Olympic athletes, Charlie Phase turns you into a “god of abs”.

Not only do graduates end up looking like a marble statue of Apollo…

Charlie Phase will have you doing stuff that looks utterly shocking to bystanders…

Because it literally looks like it defies gravity!

Yet it’s also 100% doable and attainable for any man who follows the Apex Abs progression.

Now before I tell you how you can secure access to the System…

I’ve got one more thing I want you to have as part of Apex Abs today.

It’s only available right here as a special “super-bonus”…

Because I want guys to experience the fastest transformation possible.


The Alpha Nation® App

Because we want to make it as easy as possible to obtain your Apex Abs objective, today we’re including exclusive free access to our Alpha Nation App. Every workout is loaded into the app in a convenient follow-along format. You can play the workout right on your phone or easily stream it to your TV.

Yet that’s not all. Most guys tell me the best part about our app is the interactive features that let you ask questions and get support from me, Todd, our team of personally trained coaches, and of course other guys going through the program.

Plus you can get a 360° view of your abs training progress because our app allows you to track everything from your daily steps to your sleep, bodyweight, bodyfat, lean mass, heart rate, calorie burn and more.

The Alpha Nation App makes Apex Abs as close to “done-for-you” as possible.


Apex Abs VIP Coaching

Bottom line… men who secure Apex Abs today will get 21 days of FREE online coaching from me, Todd and our team of trained Apex Abs coaches.

This isn’t something we can’t offer to everyone.

And there are a very limited number of spots available in this one-of-a-kind membership-only coaching program called Alpha Nation.

Frankly it’s the ONLY place in the world where you can get access to me and Todd.

Plus we’ve organized coaching from other top experts in the fields of men’s health, fitness, self-defence, success and high-performance.

Inside Alpha Nation, you’ll also get handy tutorials on everything from how to survive an urban disaster to deadly ground-fighting techniques to trimming your beard like a pro, and everything in between…

Remember, this is only free for a very limited number of men because we can only provide the highest quality service if we limit the number of members.

Listen: the truth is my clients — including Todd — have spent thousands of dollars they couldn’t afford getting this stuff figured out.

Yet I want you to enjoy it for free inside Alpha Nation for 21 days. So act now to secure your free access valued at well over $2,000…

Listen: 5 years from now the methods inside Apex Abs will be common knowledge in the fitness industry.

In fact some of the top University exercise-science departments are already shifting towards the “new model” of understanding the spine and the abs.

But the truth is, academic institutions are slow and bureaucratic…

Which means that as of today…

There’s Nowhere Else You’re Going to
Hear About the Groundbreaking
Techniques Inside Apex Abs

Worse… most gyms, personal trainers, and even doctors don’t understand what we’re teaching…

And many of them try to sabotage us and prevent us from sharing this information… because frankly they feel threatened when they see the results guys are getting.

Unfortunately these folks have a lot of clout and a lot of cash to fight us with.

So far we’ve been able to fend off their attacks and keep this website active…

But I’m not sure how long that will last.

Which is why I urge men to take action now while they can.

Now, if Todd and I were to personally coach men through the entire Apex Abs System, it would cost at least $3,200 based on our coaching fees.

That’s about 15 hours at my DISCOUNTED fee of $225 an hour for civilians.

The Military, national teams and professional sports franchises pay me a LOT more.

But we’ve been so busy with those big organizations that in the last 6 months we haven’t taken on a single new client anyway.

So you couldn’t pay us to learn the System even if you wanted to.

And that’s not even including the Super-Bonus online coaching worth at least $2000.

So let’s say a fair price for Apex Abs would easily be in the thousands of dollars.

But right now, and through this website only

Since I’m on a mission to help as many men as possible regain their confidence so they can look on the outside like the man they know they are on the inside…

I’m not even going to ask the regular retail price of $147 for the “done-for-you” version of the Apex Abs System.

In fact not even half that!

Today you can get access to the entire Apex Abs system…

Plus the online coaching Super-Bonus worth at least $2000…

For a single, secure investment of just $37.

But only while this website is still active.

And only before the online coaching spots fill up.

(They’re going quickly so take action ASAP)

To secure access simply use the button below.

$147 JUST $37! (Immediate Action Discount)

YES! I Want a Shredded Six-Pack

Your investment today is also covered by a full 60‑Day, 100% Money-Back Guarantee.

Here’s how it works…

Right now just place an order to secure your access to Apex Abs, and say “maybe” to getting a ripped and shredded six-pack.

Then once you get access to the program…

Start following the steps I’ve used time and again with countless clients…

And see how you feel.

Most of the folks who go through Apex Abs fall in love with the results and how simple the process is.

There really is ZERO risk because of this guarantee.

And if for some reason Apex Abs isn’t working out, just call or email my Team and they’ll send a refund immediately.

No questions. No hassles.

Plus, there’s no need to return the bonus manuals I’m about to reveal.

Keep them as a special “thanks” for trying out Apex Abs.

Doesn’t it make sense to feel and experience Apex Abs as a part of the decision making process?

Then why not think it over while experiencing the process and watching as your abs become more and more impressive with every passing week…

Just choose to sign up below right now…

To say “YES” to building that bulletproof six pack…

And “YES” to reclaiming confidence, self-assurance and swagger…

Secure your spot in Apex Abs now by clicking the button below!

$147 JUST $37! (Immediate Action Discount)

YES! I Want a Shredded Six-Pack

Now for those BONUS MANUALS I mentioned…

Just in case there’s still a tiny amount of doubt… I want men to feel like they’re getting an amazing deal today.

In fact I want folks to feel like they’re pulling one over on me when they see all the value they’re getting for today's low price.

Which is why I’m including 3 incredible bonus manuals today.

Each of these valuable programs complements or adds to the Apex Abs System… and helps you reach your physique goals faster, easier and more enjoyably.


7-Day FLAT-Gut Health Protocol

Did you know that the toxins, bloat and inflammation in the gut is probably adding as much as 3 inches to a man’s TRUE waist size right now?

Stress, pollutants, and even hidden ingredients in so-called “healthy” foods are causing gut bloat in almost all men in this country.

And it pushes out on the gut lining, making guys look like they have a basketball inflating in their gut.

Worse… it triggers a domino effect of possibly serious health issues. So…

Today I’m giving away my foolproof protocol to restore gut health and eliminate this dangerous and ugly belly bloat in only 7 days.

Simply follow the step by step plan and experience the strange sensation of watching the belly deflate daily, like you’re letting the air out of a basketball.


Apex GLUTES Training System

Believe me, in addition to admiring a great set of abs…

Most guys are surprised to learn how much the other sex admires the sexiness of a strong and well-shaped butt.

Guys just look more powerful and manly with a
great butt.

And this manual makes it easy and quick to get exactly the glute development guys need.


Apex Supplement Stack Guide

I’ve tested literally every supplement that promises to help men get ripped and to build abs.

Poor Todd was the guinea pig for most of my experiments.

We’ve done all the work and spent thousands of dollars on supplements so you don’t have to.

We’re giving you the guide to exactly which ones work, and which ones to save your money on.

OK, so on top of the RECON Manual, the Apex Abs Main Manual, and the online coaching Super-Bonus — already at least a $3,200 value — we’re also adding…

The FLAT-Gut Health Protocol…

The Apex Glutes Training Manual…

And the Apex Supplement Stack Guide…

That’s an extra value of $131 — yours free when you secure access to Apex Abs today.

$147 JUST $37! (Covered By Our 100% Money-Back GUARANTEE)

YES! I Want a Shredded Six-Pack

Once again, my name is Dr. Tyler Goodale…

And I’m excited to finally be sharing Apex Abs today with any man who needs it.

Yours in good health,

PS — Remember what I said about how the abs muscles are all connected. And the Harvard research that proves it’s impossible to get lean and well developed abs muscles if even one of the muscles in the “deep core” is weak, knotted, or tight.

Apex Abs is currently the only system able to “jump start” the connection between the abs muscles and the nervous system once they get disconnected, which is why it has helped over 57,000 men reclaim their six-pack.