“Go. Go. Go. Go.”

It was a high-risk drug raid in the scariest part of town…
And as my brothers on the SWAT team rushed past me to clear the target…
I stood frozen, weak and completely exposed.
My greatest fear had come true…
My aging body and my declining strength had finally betrayed me…
Hi, I’m Todd Lamb…
Just two years before I was the “Alpha” on the SWAT team I’d been part of for more than a decade.
Always one of the strongest guys on the team…
The young guys used to look up to me as an example.
But after that terrible day…
They looked at me with pity… and with a bit of scorn if I’m honest…

Because in just a couple short years my body went downhill fast.
Yet as awful as that day was…
As unforgivable as it was to put my life and the life of my team in danger…
In a weird way I’m glad it happened…
Because it’s what led me to ultimately discover a strange workout technique devised by Soviet scientists during the cold war…
A simple trick to use during workouts that instantly increases the “voltage” to a man’s muscle fibers and unlocks hidden reserves of strength.
And this is something that any man can use today no matter if they’re in their 40s, 50s, 60s or 70s to quickly regain strength and build muscle.
More on that in a moment. First I should explain…
In the years and months leading to that awful day…
I struggled every day to measure up to the
younger guys on the team…
I worked so hard to not let them see I was pushing at 110% just to barely keep up.

I devoted myself to the gym… hoping I could push back the day when I could no longer make the grade.
My 90-minute workouts turned into 2 hours… then 3 hours a DAY…
I popped chondroitin and glucosamine like candy…
And drank buckets of fish oil…
Just to deal with my joints that ached from sun up to sun down.
But no matter how hard I trained…
Every month was a losing battle just to keep what strength I had.
And as my 40th birthday got closer and closer.
It just wasn’t enough anymore.
Everything came to a head on that terrible drug raid…
The Weakness Of My Aging Body Was
Exposed For Everyone To See

I was on point with the battering ram for breach and tactical entry…
The ram hit the door and… just bounced off.
I swung it again… as hard as I could…
It bounced back so hard I lost my balance and almost fell.
Our team leader signaled the guy behind me…
(a young guy half my size with wiry limbs)
…who stepped up and grabbed the ram.
He took one swing and the door popped open like cardboard.
I stood staring like a deer in headlights…
The rest of the team flowed past me and cleared the room.
I had committed the worst sin there is in a SWAT team.
Betrayed by the weakness of my aging body… I let my team down.
In that moment I felt like my life was over…
And I certainly never expected what happened next.

So if you’d told me that just weeks later I’d be hitting new PRs on my benchpress and deadlift…
That my joints would feel like they’d gotten 20 years younger…
That I’d be throwing the young guys around on the mats again…
And that I’d have reclaimed my spot at the top of the SWAT team…
Well… I would have barked a bitter laugh and walked away in self-pity.
How I Met The “Muscle Doc”
I stepped into our team leader’s office with my head hung low…
He came right out with it… “Todd, you just can’t keep up anymore…”
“You’re on desk duty until we can count on you.”
Hot shame and humiliation flooded my face.
But I deserved the chewing out and I took it like a man.
Then towards the end of the meeting something kinda weird happened…
He just stared at me like he was weighing my worth.

After an uncomfortable few seconds that seemed like forever…
He wrote a name and number on a piece of paper and slid it over to me…
And told me this was my last chance…
That he was sending me to a friend of his from his military days…
A guy all the soldiers just called the “Muscle Doc”…
And if anyone could get me back on my game it was this guy.
Dr Tyler Goodale the paper said.
The “Muscle Voltage” Trick To Instantly
Jump Start Muscle Fibers
I was desperate to regain the trust of my team…
So even though I was skeptical I made the trip to see Dr Goodale.
I mean… I was already working out 2 to 3 hours a day…
What could this guy possibly do for me that I wasn’t already doing?
My first visit to see the doc was more like walking into some bizarre robotics laboratory than a gym or anything like that.

There were all kinds of weird machines, tubes, wires and monitors scattered around the place.
And Dr Goodale turned out to be a real-life Mad Scientist of muscle.
His public reputation included groundbreaking work with Olympic athletes…
Hacking their performance to superhuman levels.
But his real genius was hidden behind a veil of special forces secrecy.
Maximizing the human performance potential of otherwise regular men to turn them into virtual super-soldiers.
He didn’t mess around.
And quickly made it clear to me…
All my hours in the gym had been a lost cause…
In fact I’d been doing myself more harm than good with my 3 hour workouts.
He explained that more than half my strength was being “locked” deep in my muscle fibers.

That men of all ages have this hidden reserve of strength.
That it does NOT go away as we get older…
But that as we age, more and more strength gets locked away because our brains stop providing the “voltage” the muscle fibers need.
I’ll explain exactly how that works in a minute.
Just know that thanks to his work with Special Forces teams…
…Dr Goodale stumbled on a strange Soviet-era strength trick…
A simple method of “pulsing” the load you put on the muscle fibers…
That instantly unlocks maximum “Muscle Voltage” and allows a man’s muscle fibers to contract at 100% of their potential…
At any age.
How Soviet Scientists “Hacked” Their Athlete’s Muscle Fibers For 2X Strength Output
Working on high-level military projects gave Dr Goodale access to exercise labs and non-disclosed exercise science that most of us will never see.

That’s where he learned about Soviet research that changed our understanding of “strength”.
At the height of the Cold War…
Russian scientists discovered that every one of a man’s muscle fibers hoards a reserve of untapped strength…
But that your brain puts a “throttle” on the voltage running to the muscle fibers…
Think of it like this…
Your nervous system is like the Power Grid sending voltage out to the muscle fibers…
But the Power Company… your brain… throttles the voltage down to a trickle instead of letting it flood to your muscles at full strength.
And the older a man gets… the tighter the brain throttles the voltage.
By hacking the brain and nervous system to remove that throttle, the Soviet scientists figured out how to remove normal strength limits…
…and they instantly tapped into that hidden reservoir of muscle power.
Many scientists involved in the research called this new discovery “Pulse Loading”…

Because they manipulated the weights being used within a workout…
And the variations looked like “pulses” when they plotted them on a graph.
The results though were nothing short of shocking.
Using this specific pattern of “pulses” within a workout…
They could massively increase the strength output of a man’s individual muscle fibers.
It’s the reason why the Eastern Bloc countries dominated strength sports for so long.
But that was decades ago…
Why American Men Lose Strength In
Their 40s, 50s and 60s
According to Dr Goodale, American scientists were aware of these powerful training techniques decades ago.
Yet American men past their 40s are still trapped in a nightmare of declining strength and fitness.
So if this “Muscle Voltage” training trick is so powerful… why haven’t folks heard about it?
Well, as the Iron Curtain fell, and the secrets of Soviet domination of strength sports started leaking out…
America was hit with a plague that still infects the way we think about “fitness” today.

It was a time of neon leggings, low-fat diets, Jazzercise and Sweatin’ To The Oldies.
Jane Fonda was a fitness icon and jogging was cool.
And these game changing strength protocols were lost to the dark corners of the fitness world.
The worst part is that all those “fitness trends” still dominate the industry…
And they actually ACCELERATE how quickly the brain shuts down the “Muscle Voltage” signal and throttles a man’s strength.
So chances are the more a man dedicates himself to popular workout methods as he gets older…
The worse the strength decline becomes.
Thankfully, using Dr Goodale’s unique technique to break through the brain’s internal “throttle”…
I was able to immediately gain access to my hidden strength reserves.
And within weeks I was hitting new highs in the gym.
Why 2½ Hours a Week Is The Magic Number To Getting and
Staying Strong Past 40, 50, 60 or Even 70 Years Old…
Armed with Dr Goodale’s protocol…
I was so pumped that I hit it harder than EVER in the gym.
At first things clicked pretty good…
And in the first week my bench press and my deadlift started creeping back up.

But then it’s like I hit a wall and bounced off HARD…
And by the end of the second week my lifts were lighter and more embarrassing than ever.
I called Dr Goodale in a panic…
And after explaining everything I’d been doing he just laughed…
“Todd, you made the same mistake I did when I first stumbled on this system.”
See, I tried just adding Dr Goodale’s protocol to everything I’d already been doing in the gym.
Big mistake… and it quickly short-circuited the extra “Muscle Voltage” and locked my strength back up.
He gave me strict orders to ONLY do his protocol…
Which takes just 2½ to 3 hours a WEEK.
It was tough for me, because I was used to working out for that long every DAY.
But the results were insane…
Within a week of cutting my workout time down my lifts started going back up again.
After 21 days I was back to 90% of my personal best lifts.
And 6 weeks later I hit an all time PR of 325 LBS on my bench press.
A week after that I pulled my heaviest deadlift ever at 455 LBS.
I never imagined in my 40s I’d be stronger than I’d ever been.
But the best part was getting a new lease on my SWAT career.
And seeing in the eyes of my team that I had regained their respect.
Disclosing Dr Goodale’s Methods To Civilian Men
Straight up… Dr Goodale’s System changed my life.
In fact it has now changed the lives of thousands of men around the world.

And today our mission is to get it in the hands of EVERY man who needs it.
See, I became a bit of a “crusader” for Dr Goodale after feeling the power of his methods for myself.
I started training other guys who thought they were past their prime…
And helped them realize that they hadn’t even reached their true potential yet.
But to be honest, I just couldn’t keep up with the demand.
I never did any advertising or anything. Yet just through word-of-mouth guys from all over the world started contacting me and asking for help.
Because I didn’t want to turn anyone down… I begged Dr Goodale to help me create a simple system any man could use to quickly build strength and muscle size at any age.
And although he’s taking a risk in sharing his methods…
He agreed that it isn’t right for civilian men to be deceived into thinking they have to accept slipping strength when they hit their 40s.

So after years of perfecting his system exclusively for elite special forces teams…
Years of tweaking and perfecting every aspect of his methods to get the fastest results possible with the lowest conceivable risk of injury.
Together we adapted all his most potent secrets into a simple and easy to follow program specifically for civilian men over 40 who want to keep getting stronger at any age.
Introducing the Tactical Muscle System
This first of a kind program is the best proven, safe and utterly powerful system to unlock incredible reserves of strength at any age.
Massive hidden strength is locked away inside a man’s hundreds of thousands of muscle fibers.
And Dr Goodale’s “Pulse Loading” method is the key to quickly increase “Muscle Voltage”…
Unlocking 100% of the strength available in every muscle fibre…
Allowing men of any age to finally reclaim their full strength while building lean and functional muscle into their 40s, 50s, 60s and beyond.
Inside the Tactical Muscle System you’ll receive…
The exact “Pulse Loading” secret to instantly boost “Muscle Voltage” and handle dramatically heavier weights…
The complete DONE-FOR-YOU weekly workout templates designed to maximize strength gains from one session to the next…
The THREE progressive workout phases — Alpha, Bravo, Charlie — that provide a three month master plan to fully activate the “Voltage” to every muscle fiber…
The “setup” trick that instantly adds pounds to your Bench Press…
How one one secret “lowering” tweak during the squat adds inches to your quads…
The very best exercise to build a thick, V-shaped back (hint… it’s not pull ups, pulldowns or rows…)
The “master’s level” Technique Tutorials for every single supporting exercise in the System…
The Tactical Muscle Video Library — every single exercise in perfect detail so efficient and safe technique becomes easy…
The “breathing trick” that practically makes your body bulletproof from lifting injuries…
The little-know lifting technique secret that builds washboard abs without a single situp
The exercise “sequencing” secret that signals your body to maximize lean muscle growth…
And the best part… direct access to both me and Dr Goodale (this is unheard of and limited to a small number of new customers so read carefully below for details)…
Listen: We’re taking a bit of a risk here.
A big part of Dr Goodale’s livelihood depends on contracts with his elite clients.
Believe me when I say they’d rather he kept these methods under wraps…
But he feels like it’s worth the risk. And that it will help us achieve an important mission…
See, when we thought about how many American men in their 40s, 50s and 60s are being robbed of their potential.
How they could easily gain as much as 2X more strength and power while spending LESS time in the gym.
And how helping these men achieve their true strength would benefit the country by allowing them to fully realize their potential.
Well… let’s just say we got incredibly motivated just thinking about it.
And we decided that we WILL help 1 Million regular guys unlock their full strength by giving civilian men access to Tactical Muscle.
That’s Why We’re Doing Something Frankly-Astonishing Today…
Because we’re committed to ENDING the declining strength of men in their 40s and beyond…
We’re not going to ask anywhere near the price our elite clients are paying for coaching.
Look: I happily spent more than $5000 with Dr Goodale to learn these secrets. Five grand on a cop's salary is nothing to sneeze at. However…
I don’t want folks to pay anything close to that today.
Because we managed to distill all Dr Goodale’s methods into a simple System that we can make available at a fraction of the price…
We’re going to make it incredibly easy to say YES to giving it a try today.
Guys who are already using the System paid $79 to get access… and I’m confident that is more than fair for a method that works so well, and so quickly!…
However — while this page is still online, and not a minute longer — we’re actually going to knock another 50 BUCKS off the price.
Because we really want to make this a no brainer. And because every man deserves to achieve his maximum strength potential at any age…
And we don’t want the price to get in the way of making that happen.
Just use the button below to secure your price while you can!
Remember: you’re also getting access to both me and Dr Goodale. This massive bonus is easily worth hundreds of dollars in consultation fees alone.
But… if we get a lot of blowback from the guys who’ve already paid $79 for this — or worse … if Dr Goodale gets a direct order to pull this down — we’ll have to put a stop to the discount.
And we may even have to remove Tactical Muscle from the website.
So if you come back to this page in a week, a day, or even a few hours, and the special discounted price is no longer available… do not write in asking for a special exception. We just won’t be able to help you. Take action now…

Regular Retail Price
Your Price
(Action Takers Discount)
Plus… We Guarantee Results
Listen, we guarantee noticeable results even in the first couple weeks. Yet I’ll still give you an entire 2 months — 60 days — to make darn sure you are 100% happy with your strength gains and muscle growth…
If for ANY reason you are not 100% satisfied — EVEN if it’s because you just don’t like the look of my ugly mug… LOL — just let us know before the end of 60 days and you’ll get every penny back within hours!

The Alpha Nation Pledge
Experience The Results You Expect Or Claim Our
100% Bulletproof Money-Back Guarantee
We expect you to test every program created by Alpha Nation for a full 60 days to prove every promise we make and experience the results for yourself. If for any reason you are not happy with the System simply email us and you'll receive a 100% no-questions-asked refund at any time within those 60 days. Guaranteed.
You’re Getting Direct Access To Me and Dr Goodale
Because we are 100% committed to your success, we’re giving you direct access to both me and Dr Goodale for FREE.
You’re getting free access to our one-of-a-kind membership-only platform called Alpha Nation.
Alpha Nation is the ONLY place in the world you can get access to coaching from me, Dr Goodale and other top experts in the fields of men’s health, fitness, self-defence, success and high-performance.
This is not something we can offer to everyone, and spots are extremely limited. However if you act now you will have 14 days FREE access to the exclusive Alpha Nation online-coaching platform.
Inside Alpha Nation, in addition to world class experts like Dr Goodale…
You’ll also discover everything from how to survive an urban disaster to deadly ground-fighting techniques to trimming your beard like a pro, and everything in between…
Remember, this is only free for a very limited time because Dr Goodale and I are only able to accept a limited number of men into this exclusive coaching community.
Listen: The truth is I spent thousands of dollars I couldn’t afford getting this stuff figured out, but I want you to enjoy it for free inside Alpha Nation for the next couple weeks.
As soon as you enroll for the Tactical Muscle System access, you’ll arrive on a page right after checkout that will allow you to activate your FREE access to Alpha Nation.
To get started just go ahead and enroll now:
And hey, even though we’re removing ALL the risk for you, I understand if you’re still on the fence. Which is why I decided to go all out and offer you THREE more free bonuses today that will be a powerful addition to your arsenal…

FREE Extra #1
A Warriors Mind
This program is a man’s guide to being the best version of himself. A warrior is a man who stands up for what he believes, for the people he cares about and for the people who can’t stand up for themselves.
And in this program we give you the simple tactics to build the mental toughness, courage and conviction to be that kind of Warrior.
Written by my colleague John Black, this powerful guide is the culmination of six years of deployments to the most dangerous locations around the globe and the mental toughness and mental performance lessons learned, in Close Protection, SWAT, Special Forces Selection and multiple tours to Afghanistan, Iraq and other unfriendly locations.
Develop a Warrior’s Mind will be your secret weapon as you build an elite physique and an exceptional level of mental toughness.

FREE Extra #2
7 Day Testosterone Solution
Inside you’ll discover the common veggie that reverses estrogen dominance so your natural testosterone levels can spike… The one seafood that ancient civilizations used to massively boost virility… The “anabolic” powerhouse that’s sitting in your fridge right now… that you should be drinking after EVERY workout… The ONLY supplement that truly supports high testosterone, and which pricy supplements are total frauds… And many more hidden nutrition and supplementation techniques to boost testosterone quickly and naturally…

FREE Extra #3
The Alpha Status Handbook
Basically, this is your essential guide to embracing the Alpha status that comes with unleashing your full strength potential. You’ll discover the 10-second black ops trick to instantly look 15% more powerful and masculine… The stealth mindset shift that makes you the focal point of any room… The posture secret that magnetically draws the attention of any woman… The forgotten social skill that firmly anchors your Alpha status in any group… The conversation technique that solidifies your Alpha Male dominance… The irresistible body language trick that forces other men to submit to your authority… And the one voice trick that will have women hanging on your every word…
Wow! Let’s add all this up just so you can see for
yourself what a great deal you’re getting…
We already agreed that Tactical Muscle is worth AT LEAST $79 by itself… so already today’s deal is pretty amazing…
But then you’re also getting FREE access to me and Dr Goodale inside the Alpha Nation club, you’re getting A Warriors Mind, 7 Day Testosterone Solution, and The Alpha Status Handbook…
That means you’re getting over $169 worth of life-changing value today…
But using your special discount you are getting EVERYTHING for just $37…

Regular Retail Price
Your Price
(Action Takers Discount)

Stand Apart,
Todd Lamb
-ps- Every man must decide to either Stand Apart or fade into the crowd. Because I've been guilty of putting off that decision in the past — and because I don't want you to make that same mistake today — just remember you have a full 60 days to experience mind blowing muscle growth for yourself, risk-free. With our no-questions-asked Money Back Guarantee there's no way you can lose…