23 Nov , 15

SpecForce Sealfit Kokoro Training

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http://bit.ly/1QCOuXj – Here’s a way to add an extra element of fitness to your daily Specforce routine. Especially if you are going to do Sealfit Kokoro #sealfitbtc .


Todd Lamb is one world's most trusted sources of Health and Fitness information and programming. He has dedicated his life to the service of others having served as a member of the Royal Canadian Regiment in the Special Service Force and as 17 year veteran Police Officer with 10 years on SWAT and 4 as a Team Leader. Todd is dedicated to transforming the lives of 1,000,000 men through honest science based information backed up with years of practical experience in Tactical Operations. Todd is a Best Selling Author of multiple best selling fitness programs and the book STAND APART

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