12 Feb , 17

Get On With Your Life’s Purpose

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Get busy with life’s purpose, toss aside empty hopes, get active in your own rescue – if you care for yourself at all – and do it while you can. – Marcus Aurelius, Meditations, 3:14 Powerful words, with an even more powerful meaning. I know for a fact that some, perhaps many of you, have […]

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7 Feb , 17

Understanding Estrogen In Men

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It is critical to have a decent handle on understanding of the role of estrogen in men. Estrogen is one of the two most important hormones in the male body. Let’s quickly review mission critical information. For men, testosterone is the #1 hormone! Top Dog… El Cabron (in the badass sense of the phrase) It […]

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28 Jan , 17

Why You Need To Overcome Pain and Fear

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The ability to overcome pain is a superpower for the average person. Let me explain. Have you ever wondered why some people succeed and others achieve average results in everything they do? There is one very simple reason. Resistance To Pain. By the end of this article you are going to understand how to overcome […]

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28 Jan , 17

How to Stop Viagra or Cialis and Why You Should

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How to stop Viagra or Cialis is a question that is on many guys minds. They are concerned about the long term health risk. I would be too. Viagra and Cialis are the two most commonly-taken erectile drugs for men suffering from erectile difficulties—which affect up to 40% of men over the age of 40, […]

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26 Jan , 17

Defend Against A Sucker Punch

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[Note: If you would rather watch a video version of this content just click here] Without question there is nothing more cowardly than a sucker punch.   And believe me… if you are not thinking about how you’re going to defend against it, then you’re asking for trouble… Listen: in my profession I’ve seen it […]

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